Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gloomy U.S. consumers clip housing recovery hopes - Yahoo! Finance

Gloomy U.S. consumers clip housing recovery hopes - Yahoo! Finance: "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumer confidence took an unexpectedly steep slide in June, figures released on Tuesday showed, suggesting the 18-month-long recession had yet to loosen its grip on the economy.

A separate report on April house prices in major cities offered some encouraging signs that the worst of the housing slump may be over, but that was not enough to lift investors' spirits, while another crop of economic data showed business activity in New York City and the Midwest remained weak and retail chains slogged through a rough June.

Billionaire investor George Soros added to the cautionary tone, saying fears of inflation would drive up borrowing costs and choke off growth once financial markets recover."

The local paper says retailers are writing off any hopes for a good summer season and are dumping recreational gear, with half-off sales and big off-loading to internet overstock sites.

1 comment:

  1. Investors' spirits will continue low as long as we have a Marxist extremist in the White House.
