Saturday, June 06, 2009

Daily Herald | One person's planter is another one's potty

Daily Herald | One person's planter is another one's potty: "Tina Asmus said the village of Lakemoor and some neighbors on Highland Drive are pushing her to remove the front yard 'art piece planters' she created using a couple of old toilets and a pedestal sink."
You hear people say that we need HOAs because without them neighbors could do anything they want with their property. That is not the case, as illustrated by this situation. Submitted for your consideration: Tina Asmus puts two toilets in her front yard, plants flowers in them, paints a smiley face, and calls it art. The Village of Lakemoor, IL, says, get rid of that junk in your yard or we fill fine you up to $500.

By the way, the "God Bless My Neighbors" sign came along with the publicity. According to my newspaper this AM, it originally said, "Beware of Neighbors."

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