Friday, June 05, 2009

CQ Politics | Legal Beat - Sotomayor Repeatedly Referenced 'Wise Woman' in Speeches

CQ Politics | Legal Beat - Sotomayor Repeatedly Referenced 'Wise Woman' in Speeches: "Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor delivered multiple speeches between 1994 and 2003 in which she suggested 'a wise Latina woman' or 'wise woman' judge might 'reach a better conclusion' than a male judge."
This is turning into an issue. Obama and his people dismissed the initial report of her saying this one time as a bad choice of words. But obviously that won't fly now, if as reported she has been saying it over and over for years. So that means she will have to defend these statements in her confirmation hearing. I doubt that it will derail her appointment, but it does lay the issue out for all to discuss: what if a white man had said that a "wise white man" or "wise man" would reach a better conclusion than a woman?

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