Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Book this for Jerry Springer

Judge: Horn honking not free speech - "MONROE, Wash., June 9 (UPI) -- A Washington state appeals judge tossed a woman's claim that honking her horn for prolonged intervals in front of a neighbor's house is protected free speech.

The case began in 2006, when Helen Immelt, 52, received a letter from her neighborhood homeowners association in Monroe saying the chickens she had been keeping in her yard violated covenants and neighbor John Vorderbrueggen confessed to her that he had been the complaining party, The Seattle Times reported Tuesday.

The following morning just before 6 a.m., Immelt parked her car outside of Vorderbrueggen's house and honked her horn continuously for 10 minutes, authorities said."

This case has it all. HOA? Check. Chickens? Check. Horn honking? Check. Bitter enmity between neighbor? Check. Bogus free speech claim? Check.

I can see the chairs flying across the stage right now.

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