Sunday, June 07, 2009

Billing error costs Fort Myers Beach millions | | The News-Press

Billing error costs Fort Myers Beach millions | | The News-Press: "Fort Myers Beach might have lost millions because it has not charged condominium and duplex owners a water utility fee for the past seven years.

Beginning in 2002, the town has collected a $6.20 monthly base fee from every single-family home, but not from the more than 6,000 condos and duplexes on the island. It isn't clear how the mistake was made, but town leaders hope results from a rate study to be released this month will clarify the situation.

Scott Janke, the town's manager, said he had originally believed the amount lost was around $2.41 million, but it could be less."

Oops. If I read this correctly, it appears that the town is waiting for more information before deciding whether to go after the fee retroactively. They may be legally barred from doing so.

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