Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Woman Upset After American Flag Taken Down At Work -

Woman Upset After American Flag Taken Down At Work - "Is it okay to show your patriotism at the office? For one Arlington woman, the answer was 'no' after she hung an American flag in her office just before the Memorial Day weekend. Debbie McLucas is one of four hospital supervisors at Kindred Hospital in Mansfield. Last week, she hung a three-by-five foot American flag in the office she shares with the other supervisors. When McLucas came to work Friday, her boss told her another supervisor had found her flag offensive. 'I was just totally speechless. I was like, 'You're kidding me,'' McLucas said...
McLucas said the supervisor who complained has been in the United States for 14 years and is formerly from Africa. McLucas said the supervisor took down Debbie's flag herself."

Private property = no civil liberties. Or so it seems.

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