Monday, May 04, 2009

Woman: Arlington officer secretly offered her possessions on Craigslist | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News

Woman: Arlington officer secretly offered her possessions on Craigslist | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News: "MANSFIELD – Sherry Johnson Huwitt was standing at her kitchen window in her bathrobe shortly before dawn a couple of weeks ago when two strangers pulled up and started loading the portable basketball goal from the side of her house into a truck.

When the Mansfield woman ran outside to confront them, they said they weren't stealing because the item was offered for the taking on Craigslist."

Now, that is a dirty trick. Mystery Reader sent this tale of cybernetic woe.


  1. Just think what Dick Tuck and his merry band of political pranksters could have done had the Internet been around in their day.

  2. I'm particularly shocked by the comments on that article. So many people thought the officer's behavior was JUST FINE because "people that live in homeowner's associations don't want to look at that kind of trash."

    Clearly "stupid" is alive and well.

    Evan, what is your take on the notion that the false Craigslist ad didn't break any laws because the person who posted it didn't get any money out of the deal?
