Wednesday, May 06, 2009

White House Memo - With Gay Issues in View, Obama Is Pressed to Engage -

White House Memo - With Gay Issues in View, Obama Is Pressed to Engage - "Mr. Obama — who has said he opposes same-sex marriage as a Christian but describes himself as a “fierce advocate of equality” for gay men and lesbians — is under pressure to engage on a variety of gay issues that are coming to the fore amid a dizzying pace of social, political, legal and legislative change."
This is not a problem. All he has to do is appoint a lesbian to the Supreme Court. As the article says, he has two under consideration. Even if he doesn't do that, President Obama is in no danger of losing the gay/lesbian constituency to the Republicans anyway. The GOP is firmly in the hands of the social issues folks who claim they don't care about the electoral consequences of alienating gays, Hispanics, Asians, African-Americans, single women, people who want to smoke weed so they can endure chemotherapy, and any other group that crosses one of the moral lines in the sand. So, I think this NYT piece is interesting, but Obama still has a free hand to curry favor with Hispanics or whoever he chooses.

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