Thursday, May 07, 2009

UIC Bans Handshakes At Graduation -

Are We Over-Reacting To The H1N1 Flu Outbreak? UIC Bans Handshakes At Graduation -

"It's a graduation tradition: a congratulatory handshake along with your diploma. But Wednesday night, the H1N1 flu virus has the University of Illinois at Chicago banning the handshakes."

I will be there, of course. What will they do if I shake hands with one of my students?


  1. No handshakes at my university either.

  2. So I went to the commencement and our speaker was Illinois Governor Pat Quinn. When it came time for the graduates to walk, the Dean announced the "no handshakes" policy. It was pretty funny to watch the ritual that unfolded on stage.

    The Dean gave everybody a fist bump. But guess who shook hands with every single graduate? Governor Pat Quinn.

    Hey, he's the governor. He can do whatever he wants, he's a politician, and politicians shake hands! And we ain't afraid of no stinking swine flu!
