Monday, May 11, 2009

The Symbionese Liberation Army comes to the Land of Lincoln

Last SLA inmate released, heads to Illinois - Chicago Breaking News: "SACRAMENTO -- The last captured member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, the radical 1970s-era group notorious for bank robberies, killings and the kidnapping of Patricia Hearst, was released from a California prison Sunday morning.

James William Kilgore was paroled from High Desert State Prison in northeastern California after serving a six-year sentence for the murder of suburban Sacramento housewife Myrna Opsahl during an April 1975 bank robbery.

State Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation spokesman Oscar Hidalgo said Kilgore was met by his wife after parole agents picked him up at the Susanville prison and processed him there.

That allowed the couple to travel directly to their home in Illinois, rather than have Kilgore wait to check in Monday with a parole agent in Sacramento before leaving the state. He now has two weeks to report to Illinois parole officials.

Kilgore's wife moved to Illinois after he was arrested in 2002 in Cape Town, South Africa, after nearly three decades on the run."

Six years for murder? Not a bad deal. And now he is in Illinois. How nice.
They robbed a bank and killed a customer named Myrna Upsahl. That's her husband holding her photo. Five SLA members were convicted and the longest sentence was 8 years.

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