Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Herdt: Pathway to a revolution : Columnists : Ventura County Star: "In this environment, one revolutionary idea that is picking up traction is the movement to call a constitutional convention. The convention would be tasked with blowing up the system we’ve got and it would empower an unspecified group of people to rewrite the rules dictating how California elects its leaders, raises and spends money and organizes its governance.

It’s a grand idea with one grand problem: It’ll never work."

Fred Pilot sent this opinion piece. California has been playing chicken with reality for a long time now, and there is no doubt about which car will survive the head-on collision. The political class--legislators, union bosses, and so forth--still assumes there must be some sort of deus ex machina that will allow them to continue milking the taxpayers. The voters retain their appetite for government services and their dislike of paying for them. The federal government shows no willingness to pick up the tab for open borders and a host of unfunded mandates. And now some people are thinking that the answer may be to reboot the system with a constitutional convention. The author of the op-ed lays out a lot of questions, but the most important one is: "Who would be the delegates?"

1 comment:

  1. A 'Con-con' would be the last nail in the coffin of this Republic, and must be opposed at all costs.
