Tuesday, May 12, 2009


JP MORGAN CHASE FORECLOSES ON VICTORIA GOTTI'S HOUSE - New York Post: "The bank has been given the go-ahead to foreclose on Victoria Gotti's palatial estate on Long Island -- the same used in the TV reality show 'Growing Up Gotti' -- saying she owes a whopping $650,000 in mortgage payments, according to court paper made public today."
Do you want dat we gotta get tough wit youse?

1 comment:

  1. It is a terrible, horrible ordeal and trauma to loose your home due to the fraud, terrorizing, lies, fraudulent lawsuits, property damages, physical assaults and unthinkable actions of abusive board members and their associates.
    No one has a clue of what happens to a family and it appears most do not care. Hopefully, the tide is changing and these groups and their associates are going to see some serious jail time.
    In this case, (Victoria Gotti)maybe she should call Ed McMahon, Larry King (who appears to know alot about the HOA/COA/CID horrors, and forced fraudulent property thefts, but is too chicken to talk about it), Donald Trump, or someone else who is empathetic to her ordeal.
    I do not know what others think, but I for one, have no compassion anymore for celebs, politicians, lawyers, elected officials, etc., who think that everyone has to pay their bills, but them. Really, their sociopathy and sense of entitlement, bad behavior, and all, at the cost of those in "the working class," is sickening. Let her live in her car, like those whose homes have been stolen in the the HOA/COA/CID scams.
    One, of numbers, case in point:
    Shoaron Stephens
