Friday, May 22, 2009

Obama cuts out press, produces own "news" coverage of...himself!

Do You Want Your OTV? - Political Punch
So now Obama is producing his own "news." I tell Obama lovers about how aggressively he and Axelrod control his press coverage and they all swear it can't be true. The press conferences are stage-managed, with reporters being told in advance who will be called on. The pressers are so scripted that Obama has been using a teleprompter. The cover of Newsweek has essentially been dedicated to Obama, Inc., MSNBC's legs are quivering, and you have to go to YouTube to find any of Obama or Biden's gaffes.

Reagan's people were very good at managing his press coverage for at least his first term, but the Obama team has them beaten easily. Axelrod and the others are very, very good at their jobs. There is a lot of spin, schmoozing, manipulation, and intimidation going on behind the scenes. And now they have decided to cut out the middle men--the actual news organizations--and produce their own "coverage."

1 comment:

  1. I think this kind of thing has been going on for awhile:
