Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nick Gillespie to fellow Libertarians: "You fools!"

Hit & Run > Obama on Taxes and Traffic: Ever Get the Feeling You've Been Cheated? Or, can we start talking about Obama's vision deficit? - Reason Magazine: "Question to the folks, including some of the libertarian persuasion (you fools!), who were bullish on Obama back when the alternative was John McCain, the Terri Schiavo of presidential candidates: When are you going to admit that Barry O stinks on ice?"
I always find libertarians interesting folks to talk politics with because they have a core set of values and they try to stick to them, but they end up taking some strange positions. For example, the idea of a libertarian voting for Obama seems absurd because anybody could see he was a big-government liberal if not a crypto-socialist. Apparently, some libertarians voted for him, presumably because McCain was so bad and Obama is liberal on social issues. But now Nick Gillespie takes Obama voters to task--all from a libertarian perspective.

The worst example of libertarianism leading people to strange beliefs is their support for HOAs, where they actually end up defending tyranny in the name of freedom.

1 comment:

  1. Yep. I've also heard libertarians claim that public libraries should be abolished ("that's what we have Barnes & Noble for") and that "public safety" doesn't justify licensing requirements for architects and contractors ("the public should be able to decide for itself whether to enter an unsafe building").

    Sometimes I wonder whether many libertarians are young because the belief system is immature, or whether the beliefs seem immature because many libertarians are so young. (I do know that some noted libertarians are mature, highly accomplished people--but so many are 20-somethings.)
