Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Lawmakers mulling association proposals -- chicagotribune.com

Lawmakers mulling association proposals -- chicagotribune.com: "Illinois lawmakers are considering an array of legislative proposals that relate to community associations. Here are some of the big ones, along with comments from the association world:"
Pamela McKuen's summary of the legislative scene in IL appeared in the Chicago Tribune on Sunday. All the "comments from the association world" are from professionals. Every single one.


  1. What do you expect? This is, after all, *private* and not public government. The private interests that form and manage HOAs from the top down hold the biggest economic stake and thus have the greatest interest in legislation that affects them and the private local government industry.

  2. The homeowners are the ones with the biggest economic stake. The vendors are illegitimate stakeholders - kind of like claiming the funeral parlor industry is a stakeholder in my healthcare plan and should be graced with voting on it. Not.

  3. The homeowners' stake is in their properties' equity. They have no stake in private HOAs as a form of local government. Indeed for many, it's an intrusive annoyance they could do without.

  4. A homeowners interest in their home is NOT purely economic. Certainly the homeowner has a stake in the property's equity - of course the industry is seeking to get a cut of that equity. The purpose of the home is not purely economic. The home provides shelter, sanctuary, and supposedly a place to have and raise a family. Look around and see how much the CID industry has attempted to interfere with that.

    The homeowner also has a stake in quiet enjoyment of his own property, the right to sell, the right to use, and the right to exclude others. The industry seeks to remove all of those rights from the "owner".

    So although there is an economic stake that is not the only stake that homeowners have. The homeowners DO have a stake in stopping the intrusion of the "Association" and its vendors into their lives and pocketbooks while the vendors "stake" is primarily focused on taking property and money that belongs to the homeowners.
