Sunday, May 03, 2009

Jon Stewart--proven idiot

Pajamas TV - Afterburner - Jon Stewart, War Criminals & The True Story of the Atomic Bombs - Video
Leftist icon Jon Stewart called Harry Truman a war criminal. Bill Whittle presents a detailed account of the nuclear attacks on Japan that shows why Truman was right, and Stewart is an idiot.


  1. At a later program, Jon Stewart retracted his statements and, in effect, called himself an idiot.

    The old adage applies: Engage brain before opening mouth.

  2. I know he apologized. It makes no difference. He did it in his usual way by pretending he is just a harmless clown. When he wants to advance his ideological agenda by destroying somebody, he is a vicious, self-righteous, leftist demagogue. When he gets caught out, he becomes a disarming sad sack who is just an entertainer. This two-faced act has entranced a lot of young people who don't understand the difference between a poseur and a philosopher. Michael Moore does the same thing in a different way.
    It isn't about not engaging his brain. He knows exactly what he is doing.

  3. Well ya gotta admit he was pretty amusing in his report on the Florida HOA -- that Stewart said was shaped like a big dong on the map -- that wouldn't allow a returning veteran to fly the U.S. flag.

  4. He is very funny. He has a huge staff of great writers who give him hilarious things to say, and he has a live audience of groupies who laugh at everything that comes out of his mouth. Unfortunately, he has decided to become a political activist in the guise of a comedian, and he doesn't understand politics. Whenever he screws up and gets caught, he pretends he's just a comedian.

  5. Rush Limbaugh does the same thing. He's "just an entertainer" when it suits him. I think Limbaugh is a worse offender in that regard than Stewart (Stewart, to my knowledge, has never appeared as a panelist on Sunday a.m. tv), but then Stewart can get more sanctimonious. Otoh, a disarming sad sack apology is at least something of an apology.
