Wednesday, May 06, 2009

HOAs put homes with late dues up on auction block | Latest News |

HOAs put homes with late dues up on auction block | Latest News | "The foreclosure listing service says foreclosures are up 25 percent in North Texas, and nearly 1,000 homes this year have been foreclosed on by homeowners associations.

Often, homeowners don't even realize their house is on the auction block."

Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link. People keep on expressing surprise that they can lose their home over $1000 in delinquent assessments.

1 comment:

  1. and frequently the $1000 is not actually assessments but rather management company "collection" fees and HOA attorney fees which are the basis for filing the foreclosure action - to extort those fees from homeowners by threatening homeowners with the loss of everything.

    and in case you haven't previously linked to this one, check out the video and the story text:

    and another:

    These practices are RAMPANT in Texas. They are not isolated instances - they just don't get press very often. Note the tirade of the agent for service of process who is the husband of the attorney that owns and operates both the management company and the law firm representing the management company and HOA in these disputes. Guess it's okay to threaten people with the loss of their home by mail and not respond to any phone calls or other attempts to contact. Heaven forbid that someone actually try to contact the agent to find out how to communicate with the management company or HOA. Look how offended this jerk is that someone came to the address he provided (his home) as agent, yet he thinks nothing of he and his wife's business plan of threatening large numbers of homeowners with foreclosure on a regular basis.
