Saturday, May 30, 2009

HOA bill placed "on hold" in SC

HOA bill gets more time in oven - Business - The Sun News: "The bill, called the S.C. Homeowners' Association Act, would have required associations to make their financial records for the past three years available to members, limited annual increases on assessments and allowed the S.C. Department of Consumer Affairs to mediate disputes, among other things.

The biggest point of debate about the bill was the duties it set for the Department of Consumer

Affairs, said Sen. Shane Massey, a member of the Senate judiciary subcommittee where the bill stalled.

'The legislation so far is just overkill, and you want to fix the problem, but at the same time you don't want to go too far with it,' Massey said. 'When consumer affairs gets involved, many people see that as the heavy hand of government getting involved in private affairs.'"

I see. And who were those "many people," I wonder?

1 comment:

  1. Undoubtedly the astroturfed HOA inmates bussed in courtesy of the community assn industry.
