Saturday, May 30, 2009

Grandstanding gubernatorial candidate launches meaningless investigation

Lisa Madigan jumps into parking meter fray :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics: "Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has opened an investigation into the implementation of Chicago's parking meter privatization deal.

'Our goal is to determine if consumers have been defrauded,' said Madigan spokeswoman Robyn Ziegler, who stressed that the office is not investigating the City of Chicago.

Subpoenas were sent May 19 to Morgan Stanley Infrastructure, the winning bidder for the city's parking meter franchise; Chicago Parking Meters LLC, a consortium led by the infrastructure group, and LAZ Parking, which is operating the franchise for CPM."

Lisa Madigan has done nothing as Illinois Attorney General except run for governor. Her main credential is that her father is Mike Madigan, Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives and Chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party. She claims she could do nothing about the rampant corruption now being prosecuted by the feds. But now the parking meter privatization contract has attracted her prosecutorial attention--now that everybody already knows it was a bad deal.

This will be good for some headlines and photo ops. All she has to do is get the Democratic nomination and she's home free, because the Republican Party in Illinois is in a white-hot meltdown that makes Chernobyl look like the North Pole.

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