Friday, May 29, 2009

Gawker - Did Erich "Mancow" Muller Fake His Waterboarding for Publicity? - mancow

Gawker - Did Erich "Mancow" Muller Fake His Waterboarding for Publicity? - mancow"It is going to have to look "real" but of course would be simulated with Mancow acting like he is drowning. It will be a hoax but have to look real."
That's what Mancow's publicist said in an email that she sent to the person who was locating the guy who was to do the "waterboarding." Now she claims the event was real.

Isn't the public relations profession grand? People always criticize lawyers for saying whatever they can get away with, but at least we have an obligation to be truthful to the court. Not so with publicists, who get paid for making things up.

By the way, Mancow Muller is not a "right-wing" anything. He is a shock jock who has labored in the shadow of Howard Stern for a long time. He is a consummate vulgarian and a shameless publicity hound. Chicago radio station WLS hired him recently and in my view shredded their credibility by doing so.

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