Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Fred "Sky" Pilot takes to the fiber optic waves

State seeks $1 billion in stimulus funds to bring broadband link to every household - Sacramento Politics - California Politics | Sacramento Bee: "In El Dorado County, freelance journalist Fred Pilot launched a cooperative last week to provide Internet service through a fiber-optic network to Net-neglected residents around Camino.

'We're going to try and qualify for the stimulus funding,' Pilot said, 'because we are the kind of area this is targeted for.'

If it could land a chunk of the funding, he said, the co-op would hire a local phone company to build the system, then run it on a majority-rules basis.

'I really do believe that this has to be done on a bottom-up basis,' he said, 'because the top-down model hasn't worked.'"

Somehow I suspect that Fred will do a far better job than all those "PUC-spawned agencies."

You go, guy!

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