Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Condo board backs down

The BIG One - WTAM 1100: "(Perry Township) - An Ohio condo board that told a military mother to take a Blue Star Flag emblem out of her window will now allow it to stay.

The head of the condominium management company says the board won't penalize Marlene Gano of Perry Township, though it earlier said that her display violated condo rules.

Rem Commercial Association Management President Gary Duvall says the dispute with Gano and her 76-year-old husband, Richard, brought his company dozens of calls and e-mails, including some death threats."

Too bad it takes death threats to make a condo board see the light of reason.


  1. What's too bad is that they were only threats.

  2. It's called the Tony Soprano method of controlling of out of control HOA boards.
