Monday, May 18, 2009

Condo associations dying as fees dry up - St. Petersburg Times

Condo associations dying as fees dry up - St. Petersburg Times: "Homeowner associations, the de facto local government in much of Florida, are getting desperate.

Assessment payments are as low as 50 percent in some communities, causing some board members to consider measures that might include publicly shaming those who are delinquent.

'When I tell you it is an unadulterated nightmare out there, I mean it,' said Harry Burnard, who owns Qualified Property Management in New Port Richey, plus a side business that fronts the dues and collects the debts."

Public shaming? Now there's an idea. How about the stocks? Pillory?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think public shaming would work. I think what would happen is that people who are paying their assessments would say, "Huh, ok at all those people freeloading off me. Why should I be the sucker? I'm going to quit paying." Stocks/pillory might be more efficacious.
