Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Chicago, IL - Beloved Orthodox Rabbi Fired, Shul Shuttered -- VosIzNeias

Chicago, IL - Beloved Orthodox Rabbi Fired, Shul Shuttered -- VosIzNeias: "Chicago, IL - The eviction notice was addressed to 'unknown occupant,' but that could not have been further from the truth in the small slice of Uptown where Rabbi Philip Lefkowitz ministered.

Because of a dispute with Congregation Agudas Achim, where he had been rabbi for 13 years, Lefkowitz must leave the condominium the synagogue owns by mid-May.

'I'll be sitting on a couch on the street,' said Lefkowitz, 64. 'I have no place to go.'"

Seems that the dispute was settled, and the congregation was supposed to pay the condo assessments, but they didn't, so the condo association filed a forcible detainer action to evict him. Illinois is the only state where condo associations can evict unit occupants, including unit owners.

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