Sunday, May 03, 2009

A bitter battle for power - The Daily Breeze

A bitter battle for power - The Daily Breeze: "At one time, Scottsdale Estates was a nice place to live. But the gated condo complex in Carson deteriorated long ago into a haven for drugs and gang crime.

Now it is most known as the site of a fire that killed five children in 2005. Neighbors tried to rescue them, but they couldn't pry off the burglar bars.

City officials have made several attempts to clean up Scottsdale over the years, but most efforts have been thwarted by a governing system that is as broken down as the community itself."

According to the article, one person has taken control of the association and there is an opposition group, and it led at one point to a standoff between the HOA's private security people and sheriff's deputies.

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