Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ave Maria: A Town Without A Vote

Ave Maria: A Town Without A Vote
Blockbuster three-part story on Ave Maria, by Liam Dillon.


  1. How is this any different from what is going on in subdivisions across the nation today? Homeowners have no vote in developer controlled subdivisions and the control period lasts forever. This is the "master plan" of so many master planned communities.

    You will consume as they command you to consume for various resources including water, gas, electricity, internet, and telecom. You will consume these resources from vendors affiliated with the developer. You will have no vote. There will be no open records. There will be no open elections nor any open meetings. Assessments must increase to pay for our services, trust us. We are doing this to preserve the value that your property provides us. You chose this.

  2. With a name like that, me thinks it should be annexed into the Vatican city state to exorcise the evil greedmongers who control it.

  3. This was no blockbuster series. This was much ado about DECIDEDLY nothing.

    Piffle. Fizzle. Flop.

    The residents find the article laughable and a tabloid-ish attempt to stir up anti-developer sentiment where none exists.

    A year of research and ZERO new information was brought to light. ZERO. Any information "exposed" by this series has ALWAYS been available to the public - before during and after it became law - as bills, statutes, contract notices, websites, etc.

    It is not news that most homeowners (anywhere) don't know the fine points of the laws that control the build-out of their community's infrastructure.

    It is certainly not news that developers tend to control such build-out.

    And it is not not news that the reporter - desperate to justify a year of investigating nothing - found a lawyer willing to offer a tortured interpretation of the law that suggested it could possibly be problematic (attorneys are TRAINED to seek tiny potential legal footholds upon which to threaten legal action - that is one big reason the public has a low opinion of lawyers).

    The only real news is that this story is an embarrassment to the journalists involved - who tried to rake non-existent muck.

    Of course the issues involved are perfect material for your blog. But it seems that you would be willing to see through the sensationalist tempest the cub reporter and his editors have tried to brew in the tiny, calm teapot known as Ave Maria.

    Life in town is quite lovely. We would like to see more homes sell so that the merchants in town would have more customers, and so that more merchants would open up. But we enjoy the neighborly, slow, family-friendly, traditional-values-embracing, small-college-town life that we live - and that so many people would like to be living.

    We look forward to grocery store and gas station that will open up in town over the summer. Both are nearing the end of construction. We also look forward to the opening of the new Montesorri day-care, dental office, pediatric office, Italian pizza and pasta shop, and English pub.

    Meanwhile, we will enjoy walking and biking around our semi-tropical, lush, green neighborhoods, as our friendships with fellow townsfolk grow stronger as we enjoy one another's company and offer support and care to each other as we go about the normal ups and downs of life.

    What a scandal.
