Monday, April 06, 2009

YouTube videos unflattering to Doral mayor - South Florida -

YouTube videos unflattering to Doral mayor - South Florida - "Three videos have popped up on YouTube that point to turbulent times at Doral City Hall.

Posted by CrazyPoliticians on March 23, the videos show Doral Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez in action. The recordings from three council meetings -- one from last month and two from 2007 -- have picked up nearly 1,000 combined views."

I wonder if there is a web site for posting viral videos of crazy HOA/condo directors.


  1. If boards allowed themselves to be videotaped, I'm sure there would be!

  2. About 10 years ago, there was a publicized incident of an HOA member -- an elderly woman -- being detained by private security guards when she attempted to videotape a Las Vegas HOA meeting. Phil "The Ghostbuster" Testa of the now defunct KLAV Las Vegas radio program "The Homeowners Voice" gave the incident lots of airtime.

    Notably, Nev. state Senator Mike "Senator Mikey" Schneider recently told Shu Bartholomew's "On The Commons" radio program that he will author legislation in the current session that would allow HOA property owners to bring their elected representatives or news media to HOA meetings.

  3. ROTFLAO. Amazing! You mean to tell me the same "turn-coat" Schneider now wants to look like a good guy gone homeowner advocate? I don't believe anything that guy has to say.

    BTW, he did disclose his wife's and HIS, CAI involvement, its like major.

    His so-called proposed legislation is just grandstanding, but then that's typical for him. He'll talk to anyone that will listen, emphasis anyone. He thinks he's important.

    If he REALLY wanted to make a difference for owners, its really very simple--but he won't want to do it because all the time he's been in office he hasn't done it. He's probably making promises now so he can gear up early for another election seat.

    We don't need press and representatives at stupid meetings, we want unfettered access to the Association's books, records, bank accounts, receipts, lawyers bills, management company correspondence, contracts, records, and so forth.

    This is the same guy who had all of us out there campaigning with him door-to-door and then he stabbed us in the back, we didn't get anything he promised. Just another Turn-Coat show for the media where he's trying to cover up his past. Give me a break!
