Monday, April 06, 2009

YouTube - Barack Obama thinks Austrian is a language
"It was also interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of -- I don't know what the term is in Austrian -- wheeling and dealing."

Now imagine that George Bush or Sarah Palin had said that. I don't think you'd have to search for it on YouTube because it would be on the front page of the Washington Post and the New York Times.


  1. It is a language. Just listen to der Gubenator:



  2. Well, in fairness, most North Germans regard it as a separate language anyway.

    Besides, it took multiple repeat offenses combined with the absence of anything intelligent to say for Bush and Palin's inanities to make it to the front pages of the MSM. If conservatism is to recover in this country, a good start would be admitting that conservatism actually has it rather good with the MSM compared to left-liberalism, and the real concern ought to be why intelligent conservatives have been marginalized and don't-care dumb bunnies celebrated.

  3. At least Obama didn't say, "Australian." :)

    Seriously, I think Bush got a bad rap as a speaker. Every speaker makes gaffes. Take any one of us, transcribe our every word, and you're sure to find daily or weekly howlers.

    I'm not a fan of either Bush or Palin, but as far as their speaking abilities are concerned, neither deserved the scorn they received.
