Sunday, April 26, 2009

Yeah, but it's only a flesh wound.

Longtime pal, ex-aide Monk to testify against Blago: feds :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State: "The former law school roommate, longtime friend and onetime chief of staff to Rod Blagojevich is now taking a new role against the former governor: federal witness.

While Lon Monk showed up in federal court Thursday to plead not guilty to a wire fraud charge, a federal prosecutor said a plea deal is due in short order."

Blagojevich has become the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. He prances around quoting Kipling, Teddy Roosevelt, and Churchill, while one formerly close association after another turns federal witness. There are now probably half a dozen people lined up to testify for the government who were right next to him in his sleazy, crooked administration. Lon Monk is one of his oldest friends.

It is just a question of time. Unlike the Ryan prosecution, which was hard to prove, I think this case will be an avalanche.

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