Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Pro-pest group opposes Charlotte's war on cankerworms | "As crop dusters swooped across Charlotte last year to coat the Queen City with cankerworm-killing spray, a young woman raised her head to the skies and whispered: Why?

Yes, the insects have been blamed for devouring the canopy and bedeviling neighborhoods as they rain down from the trees. But the way April Hatcher looks at it, our infamous insects are part of nature and must be preserved.

So she formed a local chapter of Join Our Kindly Ecosystem, which is dedicated to saving insects under attack by man."

The photo shows treed defoliated by cankerworms. I don't know about you, but I am shedding a tear for the noble cankerworm. I like the part where April and her friends will rescue the cankerworms as they slide down out of trees on their slime trails, catching them in "special leaf-lined, recycled cardboard containers," and transport them to some more tolerant community.

Where they can get eaten by a bluebird.

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