Monday, April 06, 2009

My Way News - Binghamton officials defend response to massacre

My Way News - Binghamton officials defend response to massacre: "BINGHAMTON, N.Y. (AP) - Even if police officers had immediately entered the immigrant center where a gunman had just shot down 13 people, the victims' injuries were so severe that none would have survived, a county prosecutor said Sunday.

But police didn't enter the American Civic Association until nearly 45 minutes after the first 911 calls came in at 10:30 a.m. Friday. They began removing the wounded about 15 minutes after that.

It took more than two hours to clear the building. Survivors reported huddling for hours in a basement, not knowing whether they were still in danger after the gunman, 41-year-old Jiverly Wong, killed 13 people."

But the police didn't know the extent of people's injuries, as they milled around the building for 45 minutes. The bottom line, unfortunately, is that the only defense against massacres by lunatics is armed citizens. In these situations, we cannot count on the police to do anything more significant than picking up the bodies. In nearly all cases, it seems that these mass murderers are done with their work, and often have taken their own lives, before the police even have time to respond, much less take up positions and coordinate a building entry.

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