Sunday, April 26, 2009

HOA bans kids from playing in common areas | HOA: No Kids Playing in Common Areas 042609: "The newsletter read in part, 'Little Suwanee Pointe is a wonderful and growing community. Our goal is to maintain the curb appeal of our common areas throughout the community as well as ensure every resident their quiet enjoyment. With that said, parents, we ask that you instruct your children not to use the common areas for outdoor sporting games.

'While these games are quite innocent, the extreme wear and tear is taking its toll on the grass in these areas. As a result, the HOA must invest additional dollars to repair the damage. There are two parks located within two miles of our community that are perfectly suited for such activities.'

The resident said that last summer the homeowner's association informed residents that they were violating association policy by allowing dogs to urinate on their own lawns."

As the old saying goes, the inmates are running the asylum. What is a "community" for, if not to raise children? What more proof is needed to show that HOAs bring out the worst in people?


  1. For us New Yorkers, our version was, "The loonies are in charge."
