Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Russian scholar says US will collapse — next year

Russian scholar says US will collapse — next year: "MOSCOW – If you're inclined to believe Igor Panarin, and the Kremlin wouldn't mind if you did, then President Barack Obama will order martial law this year, the U.S. will split into six rump-states before 2011, and Russia and China will become the backbones of a new world order.

Panarin might be easy to ignore but for the fact that he is a dean at the Foreign Ministry's school for future diplomats and a regular on Russia's state-guided TV channels. And his predictions fit into the anti-American story line of the Kremlin leadership."

Fred Pilot found this upbeat piece from the Kremlin.

1 comment:

  1. Well at least Panarin isn't beating his lecturn with a shoe...
