Saturday, March 21, 2009

Neighbors in gated community say break-ins steal their "paradise" | WINK News - Southwest Florida | Local & Florida

Neighbors in gated community say break-ins steal their "paradise" | WINK News - Southwest Florida | Local & Florida: "Neighbors WINK News spoke with say the gate access into Herons Glen Country Club is really a false sense of security, because someone's getting in -- uninvited.

'It was broken in; there was glass all over the car inside.'

Harry Wright's car window was smashed in just two weeks ago. Now, he's fuming over another break-in inside his gated community.

'It is unbelievable,' Wright says. 'I mean we all walk around here and call it paradise, and it it is except when you get up and find out another house has been broken into.'"

The fact is that most gated communities are no safer than any other subdivision. They just offer an illusion of security. They probably keep out certain kinds of unwelcome visitors, but any real crook can get in. In order to get an elevated level of real security you need real entry controls, perimeter walls, and internal surveillance. That adds up to some real money and it has to be maintained, which means it is for the rich. The middle class can't afford real security, so many of them settle for the illusion and are disappointed to discover the truth.

But how about that 90 year old lady who hit the crook with her walker?


  1. The "Gate" does not offer security or privacy. In many subdivisions, the gate primarily allowed the developer to control all sales in the subdivision. Before anyone could enter, they had to visit the "sales office". The developer was capitalizing on the fact that the county obligated him to build out the roads anyway. Since he wasn't going to be reimbursed, he simply put a gate across them to control sales.

    In our subdivision, we have had an attempted murder (jealous ex starts firing rifle from outside into the interior of a home), numerous thefts, domestic violence (undoubtedly due to constant threats by HOA), blight of foreclosures, breaking & entering, DUI, etc., etc. The Gate is a beacon for trouble, not isolation from it. Where do you think the crooks live? In an HOA of course. Don't be surprised if it is your own.

  2. Stalkings, terrorizing, discrimination, harassment, property damage, fraudulent fines, assessments and foreclosures all courtesy of your HOA/COA board and their associates! Gates, or no gates, many of these groups are openly hostile and have a "pecking order,or cast system" with renters being at the bottom in most every category, and especially, "rights of living," category. God help any decent person who tries to stand up for themselves to these thugs!
