Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lenders tighten rules for financing condos | | Ocean City Today

Lenders tighten rules for financing condos | | Ocean City Today: More on the Fannie Mae requirements:

"New requirements they will be looking for are:

z Fidelity insurance, something many buildings do not have. That protects the association in the event a member steals any of its money. Buildings with less than 20 units are exempt from this requirement.

z A budget line item that accounts for the insurance deductible, to show the money is available in case it has to be spent.

z A reserve fund that contains 10 percent of the total budget.

z Especially troubling for some condominiums is a rule that classifies certain ones as 'condo-hotels' and therefore ineligible for financing through the two federal mortgage entities."

They interviewed a realtor who said any building with a rental office inside is considered a "condo-hotel."

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