Tuesday, March 24, 2009

July 4th First Amendment Rights March in Silver Spring, Maryland | NowPublic News Coverage

July 4th First Amendment Rights March in Silver Spring, Maryland | NowPublic News Coverage: "Over one hundred people marched today, July 4th, in support of first amendment rights in downtown Silver Spring, Maryland.

The demonstration was prompted by a ban on photography in a quasi-public, quasi-private street, Ellsworth Drive.

The Montgomery County, Maryland government leased Ellsworth Drive in Silver Spring for a dollar a year to a developer, the Peterson Company, giving that company the right to provide security and amenities to Ellsworth Drive, a formerly public street that runs through the heart of Silver Spring. The Peterson Company called Ellsworth Drive 'private property' and prohibited photography."

Shu Bartholomew sent this, originally published in 2007, to remind us of another dramatic privatization. The Daley privatization of policing in Chicago fits a pattern.

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