Monday, March 23, 2009


Today I am opening up my new eponymous domain, The web site is still under construction, and a whole lot more content will be going up on it, but all the sections work and I invite people to drop in, register, and submit articles for publication there. I will keep The Privatopia Papers here on Blogspot for the near future at least, so nothing here will change.

Eventually the site will have a lot of things for free to anybody who drops by, and another level of access for registered users that will contain more.

I expect to have another book on CIDs in print this year, and I will have more to say about that when I get more information on the timing. The publisher has sent it out for review and that process has to be completed. I will also be creating more .pdf files of other articles I have published to go with the three that are already up.

Drop in at and give me your feedback.

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