Friday, March 27, 2009

I didn't delete people's comments!
Someone posting under the name "Bunny" has been claiming in a Yahoo group that I deleted comments critical of Tom Skiba, who got into it with some folks here. This is simply not true. I didn't delete a single comment. Starting from that completely false premise, Bunny then proceeds to denounce me at length for squelching the critics of the Evil Empire.

This is just complete hogwash. Not only did I not delete anybody's posts, I don't even moderate the comments. Your comments go straight from your computer to the internet for all to see. And if that isn't enough latitude, I even let people post anonymously.

Folks, you can't get more freedom than that unless you start your own blog.

I would like to keep things this way. I hope and trust that people will use all that freedom responsibly. Actually, my main concern with this approach is not real comments from real people, however angry. The biggest problem with open comments is commercial spam from people trying to sell condos in Costa Rica or some such thing. When these people find you they can wreck the comments section in no time.

One final note: I am not part of an evil conspiracy, I don't take orders from a Death Star that lurks behind the moon, and I am just trying to have an informative and entertaining blog that is open to different points of view. Please keep in mind that I was writing about the mistreatment of owners in associations as long ago as 1985. I was called a crackpot for saying that when practically nobody else was. I really don't require any high-handed, self-righteous lectures on the importance of that problem, thank you very much.


  1. Evan,

    You have been a long term voice for homeowners before what I call the "academic-legal" aristocracy who writes treatises and attend public policy conferences. Although I wished at times for stronger statements, your voice was needed.

    Your review of HOA governance issues in your John Marshall Law Review article this past September was well done. Thanks.

    George K. Staropoli

  2. Thanks, George. I appreciate your comments, as always. You have done a great deal to wake people up to the way this institution has warped our constitutional system.

  3. Dr. Mckenzie, the homeless, financially devaststed VICTIMS, of these board members, who employ terrorist threats, are thieves, thugs bullies, harass, file fraudulent lawsuits, create conflict, and whatever else they can dream up, NEED HELP!
    You, and I, both know there is no place to go, no one who wants to listen and no state/local/fed. governing agency who does a darn thing, EVEN THOUGH I BELIEVE IT IS ALL THEIR JOBS!!
    Americans deserve the truth!
    The victims of these criminals and their asociates deserve to be rectified. Although, I believe they may be out there, in all the years, I have NEVER MET ONE "DEAD BEAT WHO DIDN'T PAY HIS/HER BILLS"!! I have met countless unsuspecting, vulnerable people, who didn't have a clue of what could be done to them and the violence, fraud and aggression, these thugs could/would employ!
    Although, good groups here, good groups there, the entire industry is a nightmare. There are NO STANDARDS, NO EXPERTISE; NO CREDIBLE, ACCOUNTABLE CONSUMER EDUCATION, BOARD EDUCATION, or PROPERTY OWNER EDUCATION and the 20some generation really wants NOTHING to do with the entire concept!
    Another industry gone wild due to the greed and criminal activities of far too many!
    Dr. McKenzie, you, and other's, (Shu Bartholomew, Jan Bergemann, Julio Robaina, Mike Schneider, David Kahne, Donie Vanitzian, The McMahon's, George Staropoli, Dr. Joyce Starr, Karin Huffer, Bob Metcalf, AND SO MANY MORE are dedicated to what is truly wrong with this concept and all continue to bring these issues to the public.
    Thank you to all!

  4. You are to be thanked for the amount of freedom that you allow on this blog! I hope that my previous comment in another thread that you are within your rights to delete comments was not misconstrued to say that you actually did. "Bunny" is misinformed or maybe is a prevaricator!

    While the subject matter here is controversial, and discussion can be heated, as it has been this week, I do hope people will constrain themselves from personal attacks and coarse language. I would like to see this blog continue as it has been.

  5. Me, too. Thanks for contributing and let's keep the conversations going.

  6. Privatopia walks the talk. Owners associations should open to all members. Records should be available to all members. Privatopia does exactly that. Thank you, Dr. McKenzie.

    When people don't have something constructive to offer and are unsure of their facts and understanding, they often resort to trying to discredit the messenger — sometimes with personal attacks. They show themselves to be very small people. They are irresponsible. Even though they are factually incorrect and their writings hurt other people, their messages nonetheless may exist forever on the internet.

    It sounds like Bunny falls into this unfortunate category. I hope someone on the discussion forum with the unfavorable writings will challenge Bunny to produce the facts and to criticize any personal attacks and questioning of motives as improper.

    Don Nordeen
    Governance of Property Owners Associations

  7. Evan,

    Thanks for being you and for all that you do. I am in awe of the way you handle all the different roles in your life and still keep a cool head and a sense of humor about you.

    Passions run high- on both sides of the great divide in the HOA debate. Although much has been said about having a debate about the issues and the policies, so far it has not progressed beyond the talking point.

    This blog is probably the only forum anywhere where all points of view can be discussed and that is so vitally important.

    If we are to get anywhere at all we'll have to remember to debate the issues and not spend our time shooting the messenger. It really doesn't serve any purpose in the greater scheme of things.

    Thanks for maintaining this blog, thanks for keeping it open (I get a lot of spam on mine) and thanks for putting HOAs in the big picture.

    A big HUG for all your hard work,

    Shu Bartholomew

  8. When it comes to the issue of CIDs, passions run high since ones castle and so many of our freedoms as American’s is at steak. Consequently that’s where the Privatopia blog enters into the picture as one of the very few public places were the issues of privatized housing can be expressed and discussed by anyone in such an open form. Therefore we all owe a lot to Evan McKenzie for his tireless work and vision as he illuminates our understanding of such an important subject that affects so many, in so many ways and for that I humbly say THANKS EVAN!

  9. It means a lot to me to have people like Fred Fisher and Fred Pilot and Shu and Don and George and others saying they appreciate having a place like this to share their views. It is a privilege to have folks of your caliber weighing in on these issues. That's why members of the press check in here from time to time, I think. It's the quality of the conversations.
    Thanks to all of you.

  10. I am also glad that Tom Skiba participates on this forum. It is one of if not the only place both sides can "talk". And until we open up the channels of communication, we'll never get past the name calling and personal slurs. We may never agree but we do have to "talk".

    And for that, THANK YOU, Evan, for hosting this blog and for keeping it open.


  11. I believe this blog is very important and serves a great purpose, but what far too many fail to remember is that the victims of these crimes are real people and families. Those made homeless, intentionally, by one of these groups, many of whom appear to have a CIA affiliation, are devastated. Where is the justice for these people. Attorneys, advocates and the industry can argue for the next decade, getting nit picky over petty, petty legal, contractual interpretation, lies, stealing fraud, and whatever.
    Let's face it, who, knowingly, would elect to take the risk in home ownership, these groups have evoloved to pose?
    Homeowner attorneys, advocates, our elected officials, lenders, real estate agents and the victims need to be heard loud and strong for the truth in purchasing, within one of these groups. Take the blind folds off and heads out of the sand, and tell it like it is! I have heard tapes of board/membership meetings. The horrible things these "board members and their associates, " say and do, would land them in the slammer, in the real world. What about the discrimination, openly practiced in far too many of these groups? What about the harassment of vulnerable populations? There are some truly evil, sociopathic people in these groups, within these positions and those influencing their behavior. Many of these groups are dangerous, have removed every quality of life, and should be identified for exactly what they are and who the perpretrors are.
