Monday, March 16, 2009

HOA moves to foreclose on 84 homes

HOA moves to foreclose on 84 homes: "In a rare move, a South Side homeowners association has filed to foreclose on 84 homes in the Mission Creek community because of unpaid association dues.

That’s 21 percent of the roughly 400 homes in the community, based on data from The 84 are set to go on the auction block April 7 at the Bexar County Courthouse — an event that would devastate the neighborhood’s property values, experts say.

Judith Gray, an attorney hired as the auction trustee, said the association is foreclosing because many homeowners have not paid dues for several years, and the multiyear loss of those dues is making it difficult for the association to function and to provide services required by the city."

See what is happening? This is the beginning.


  1. This appears to be the private local government equivalent of a taxpayer revolt and not the result of economic hardship.

    The property owners expect a responsive local government and aren't getting that. The problem is private local government in the form of mandatory membership HOAs is just that -- private. HOAs thus don't feel obligated to act as a responsive and publicly accountable government to their citizens or even to respond to media inquiries as this story illustrates.

  2. These folks need to file a DTPA and fraud suit against the developer for making representations that induced them to purchase the home. The remedies should seek both a recovery in fraud and in recision such that they can elect to receive the damages from the fraud or "undo the contract" as the case may be. The article isn't clear on whether the HOA might still be under declarant control. If it is you can rest assured that the HOA is going to represent the best interests of the board members (not the homeowners).
