Wednesday, March 11, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: Bill would let agencies trump homeowners association rules : North County Times - Californian 03-11-2009

EXCLUSIVE: Bill would let agencies trump homeowners association rules : North County Times - Californian 03-11-2009: "Southern California's giant water wholesaler, Metropolitan Water District, is sponsoring state legislation to make ordinances from local water districts trump homeowners association rules. Introduced Feb. 27 by Assemblyman Ted Lieu, a Democrat from Torrance, the legislation is known as AB 1061. No date has been set for a committee hearing."
Good. I hope it passes. Reading the objections to the bill, I wonder if some of these managers and lawyers and HOA presidents who don't think it is necessary understand how bad the water situation in California really is...and how much worse it is likely to get. Thanks to Fred Pilot for this link.


  1. The paramount policy for CAI is that ANYTHING can be justified under the pretext of aesthetics. It's really a mechanism for management companies and HOA attorneys to make large amounts of money from while educating Board members on "who" (not "what") to eliminate from the so-called community.

    However all they really need is to come up with ANY policy under which they can justify anything. "Conservation" (for others of course) is going to be the next CAI objective. Fine and foreclose if you irrigate or own a car other than a Prius, etc.

  2. I hope this bill passes, too! re: the first comment from "Anonymous," yes, CAI justifies everything by "aesthetics" and then they justify aesthetics by "preserving property values."

  3. And aesthetics forms the necessary foundation to spark lucrative, frivolous and wasteful litigation which is the hallmark of private local government.

  4. Hopefully everyone considers the Homeowner first and foremost.

    If you like or hate HOAs, watch this funny rant:

    click here for the rant

    Bet the book is funny too...
