Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DUI SUSPECT ABOVE THE LAW: Drunken driving suspect tells court: Law doesn't apply to him -- themorningcall.com

DUI SUSPECT ABOVE THE LAW: Drunken driving suspect tells court: Law doesn't apply to him -- themorningcall.com: "An Allen Township man accused of driving drunk wore a Coors Light sweatshirt to court today and offered a novel defense.

The law doesn't apply to him, Scott A. Witmer said, because he is a 'sovereign man.'

'It means I live inside myself,' Witmer, 44, told a curious Northampton County Judge Leonard Zito. 'I don't live in the state of Pennsylvania.'"

So the cops get a domestic violence call, which leads to him driving off and when they stop him he's drunk...or so say the minions of TYRANNY. And at that point it turns out he has a revoked driver's license, invalid plates, and no insurance. But those things are for chumps, because he is a SOVEREIGN MAN, and he is moving to YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD after he gets out of JAIL.


  1. Pretty creative use of sovereign immunity, isn't it? We can all be sovereigns of our own nations. Better add an addition to the U.N.

  2. I hope he knows enough not to buy into an hoa. I mean, it's one thing to ignore the real government and its laws and everything, but he CHOOSES to live in an hoa and signs away his sovereignty, well, it will be his own darned fault.

  3. Turns out this whole "sovereign man" claim has lots of advocates. If you google the term you get a bunch of websites. Their political theory is "autarchy," meaning self governance.
