Thursday, March 19, 2009

'Defenders' help homeowners fight eviction - "Like millions of Americans, Thompson got caught up in the subprime fiasco, taking a loan that started in 2003 with a low interest rate before adjusting two years later to a rate far above what she could afford. Now, the bank owns the home, and eviction papers are on their way.

Yet rather than move, Thompson is gearing up for battle. She has enlisted the help of a team of people calling themselves 'home defenders.' More than 1,000 defenders have signed up online.

They are fellow homeowners, concerned citizens and activists who are trained in civil disobedience. They are ready to confront anyone who shows up to evict Thompson, even if it means being arrested."

This is ACORN, Obama's "community organizer" buddies, taking their squatters rights tactics from the projects and the apartments to the single family home market. ACORN is getting money from the stimulus package, and Obama intends to have them participate in the 2010 Census as well.

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