Friday, March 06, 2009

Condo owner finds out he's been living and renovating in the wrong unit - KDVR

Condo owner finds out he's been living and renovating in the wrong unit - KDVR:
DENVER - He bought his first home, poured $30,000.00 into it to fix up, now 6 months later Jonathon Kyte has learned his home doesn't belong to him.

'I froze, I just pointed at it, my wife was there, we were just speechless.'

According to the city and county of Denver, Jonathon owns the dump, next door. He found out about the mistake almost by accident when he recieved a map which showed the unit he's living is actually unit number 4.

But he owns the deed and title to unit number 5."

Now, that has to hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Smells like a potential title insurance claim that will likely settle for the 30K the hapless condo owner put into the unit plus move out expenses with contribution from the real estate agency.
