Wednesday, March 18, 2009

COLUMN: Association members: Know your rights | association, know, members - Opinion -

COLUMN: Association members: Know your rights | association, know, members - Opinion - "One of the first signs that something may be wrong is when board members meet without informing the membership. You can't attend a meeting that you don't know about.

Another warning sign occurs when you are denied access to association records. The law requires that board meetings be open to all members and that members are given access to all records. There is a narrow and limited exception involving litigation or personnel matters.

But some boards and managers abuse this limited exception as an excuse to hold closed-door meetings or to deny members' requests, even when the exception clearly does not apply.

The point here is that members have rights. And with those rights come responsibilities.

There is no government agency monitoring your community association. It is strictly up to association members to self-police how the management and board of directors operate your association. That is exactly why you have the right to attend meetings and to access records."

Here is a short and sweet statement of what owners need to be careful about.

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