Monday, March 02, 2009

CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - Limbaugh fires back at Steele « - Blogs from
As Emperor Rahm Emanuel Palpatine said, "Everything is unfolding as I have foreseen."
Emanuel set this up brilliantly, if obviously, by saying that Limbaugh was the leader of the GOP. That predictably ticked off the newly-elected leader, Michael Steele, who proceeded to insult Limbaugh as nothing more than an entertainer, ugly, etc. That was an incredibly stupid thing to do, and it makes me think he isn't as smart as advertised, but it is too late to take it back. Of course, Limbaugh blasted back using his gazillion-watt national blowtorch. And now the conservatives, all of whom love Limbaugh, are furious with the GOP, which they see as directionless, leaderless, and devoid of principle. Steele's main job as head of the RNC is raising money, because McCain was grotesquely outspent. Insulting Limbaugh and by implication the conservative base is the best way to make the money dry up.

The core dispute in the party is that the conservatives always hated McCain, who has been RINO-in-chief of the US Senate, but they supported him in the general election anway. The result is the most leftist presidency in US history. The right is furious at what is coming from Obama and they believe a real conservative would have won the election.

I don't know about that, but I do know that the Republican party is coming apart at the seams. I think one-party systems are inherently awful (take a look at Illinois), but I guess that's where we are headed.

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