Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bob Dylan's toilet smell blows in the wind: "A family living near the 67-year-old folk and rock icon's house in the posh California beachside community of Malibu have complained to city officials about an outdoor portable toilet, which is apparently used by guards on Dylan's compound.

Cindy and David Emminger say the toilet wafts fumes from waste treatment chemicals, and that the smell carried by breezes from the Pacific Ocean makes their family feel ill.

'It's a scandal - 'Mr Civil Rights' is killing our civil rights,' David Emminger told the Los Angeles Times."

Fred Pilot found this little nugget. Sounds like a regular desolation row out there. His neighbors think Dylan ought to serve somebody, but Dylan said, it ain't me, babe, so the mayor said don't think twice, it's alright.

Feel free to take it from here.

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