Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bills seek to expand HOA transparency

Bills seek to expand HOA transparency: "Area civic associations have come out in support of two state Senate bills that would make it more difficult for condominium and homeowners' association boards to hold closed-door meetings.

The bills, sponsored by Sens. Mike Lenett (D-Dist. 19) of Silver Spring and Allan Kittleman (R-Dist. 9) of West Friendship, would eliminate a condition found in the Maryland Homeowners Association Act and the Maryland Condominium Act that let a board of directors hold a closed-door meeting without a stated purpose.

Both bills, addressing each act, passed 44-0 in the Senate on Friday. The House has yet to take up the legislation."

Governing in secret is a bad idea unless you are making national security policy. I don't think Maryland's HOAs are involved in that area yet, so these bills sound like a good idea.


  1. Maryland seems to improving its legislation step by step. A group of owners provided a report at the request of the legislature several years ago.

    Both Virginia and Florida make records available to members except for those that would cause material harm to the association if released. "Material harm" is my summary term for the various exceptions listed.

    The same should apply to closed meetings. Meetings can be closed only if the reason is fully stated and the material harm to the association described. Then a 2/3 vote of the board is required to close the session. Further, all votes shall be in open session. A non-confidential summary of the discussion in closed session and and actions taken in open session shall be included in the meeting minutes available to all members.

    The above are similar to the Open Meetings and Freedom of Information Acts in most states.

    Don Nordeen
    Governance of Property Owners Associations

  2. Get 'em out in the open! HOAs need to be public or at least accessible to all members... not just their lil peer group boards.

    Click here to watch a great rant on HOAs
