Friday, February 13, 2009

Six Meat Buffet » Blog Archive » The Revolutionary War Was Started Over Less: "Who can mobilize enough people for a March on Washington against the porkulus bill? It is clear by Harry Reid’s addition of an $8+ Billion light rail from Las Vegas to Los Angeles that the wish list keeps growing and there is no standard for Arlen Spektre or the RINOs in name that reign mainly from Maine to ever oppose it.

I would argue that this bill is so large that it demands consent from the public in the form of a special election. San Fran Nan’s grin has had more cuts made to it than the bill has.

It’s pitchfork and torch time. If Congress doesn’t listen to us then it should be burnt to the ground. It would still be exponentially cheaper to rebuild than our entire economy after this legislative abomination wrecks it."

What time is it? According to this fellow, "It's pitchfork and torch time." Second time in two days I've run across this imagery. Some folks are feeling that the Obama/Reid/Pelosi regime is running amok.

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