Friday, February 20, 2009

Open-primary proposal could shake up politics

Open-primary proposal could shake up politics: "SACRAMENTO — Among the final concessions Democrats granted to end the state's epic budget stalemate was a ballot measure that some say could open the Capitol's doors to moderates and forever change a polarized climate that often paralyzes the Legislature.

The proposal calls for open, nonpartisan primaries that would allow voters to cross party lines in elections for the Legislature, statewide elected officials and congressional districts, but not presidential primaries.

“It could be as significant as the Hiram Johnson reforms,” political analyst Allen Hoffenblum said, alluding to the Progressive-era governor who pushed through California's initiative, referendum and recall statutes in 1911.

Not everyone agrees, and the proposition on the June 2010 ballot almost certainly will face opposition from the state's political establishment and many powerful special interests."

Thanks to Don Nordeen for this link. I'm not sure this will solve California's problems, but there must be some angry voters ready for change.

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