Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Obama performance chief Killefer out, citing taxes - Yahoo! News

Killifer's issue was actually pretty minor. I don't really think she should have to back out. But all the other nominees with problems were dealing with significant amounts of money and pretty clear culpability.

Tom Daschle is out as Secretary of Health and Human Services, because he didn't pay his taxes.

Tim Geithner didn't pay his taxes, and he even bilked his employer, but he is Secretary of the Treasury anyway.

There is something especially hypocritical about liberal Democrats not paying their taxes. They are constantly criticizing Republicans for giving "tax breaks to the rich," while they themselves are (a) rich, and (b) creating nonexistent tax breaks for themselves. They even lecture us about how patriotic it is to pay taxes (VP Joe Biden, during the campaign). When they cheat on their taxes, as somebody said, it is like an evangelical preacher getting caught with a prostitute.

Bill Richardson was to be Commerce Secretary, but unfortunately he happens to be under investigation by a grand jury in connection with issuing state contracts to political donors. Maybe he and Rod Blagojevich can cut some government waste by sharing a cell.

Several questions come to mind. What was that stuff about "reform" and "change" again? And what kind of half-baked vetting are these nominees getting by the Obamelot brain trust--all these smartest people in the world who have graced us with their presence? How hard is it to ask "Did you pay your taxes?" I hope they do a little more homework before Obama sits down to parlay with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

And finally...tell me again why we little people have to pay our taxes?


  1. We little people should pay taxes because, in fact, it is the bottom line in establishing the possibility of something like a nation, the common good and the possibility of order in this part of the universe. My only problem is that the ++++++ Republicans always spend too much on the war maching which, in my opinion is the biggest waste of money ever and too little on education and health care (despite the fact that teachers, doctors and nurses are all consumers and fuel the economy whereas a bomb just blows up).

  2. I own a carpet cleaning company in Portland. I hope they can get some things in the is economy working before things entirely unravel.

  3. Doing all the tax invoicing and paperwork for a small business is time consuming. Firstly, we all have to pay taxes by law. Where that money is appropriated is a political issue. Paying taxes is not. It's a legal issue. Put these guys in jail please. If I can take the time to pay my tax and give the USA my hard earned money, these senators and politicos from both sides of the aisle have to do the same. If not, they should pay with interest and fines and withholding tax.

  4. These incidents are bad enough by themselves, but they reveal a bigger problem. President Obama has never run anything--not a business or a government agency, much less a state. His campaigns had professional managers so he could be the front man. If he and his people can't even vet their nominees over something as obvious as taxes, how can they run the federal government? As Biden said during the campaign (when he was running against Obama), the presidency doesn't lend itself to on the job training.

  5. Of course Bush had run a baseball team and a state and we saw how well that worked out for everyone.
    - economy tanked
    - unnecessary and unjustified war
    - tax breaks skewed to the rich
    - constitution subverted

    check, check, check, and check. And now someone has to figure out a way to drag us out of this cesspool
